Tentative Course Schedule

Author: Coccoon Webware |

  • First class

    Who are we?

    Why are we here?

    • Recognizing our multi-dimensional consciousness
    • The holographic universe
    • The Universal Computer
    • Chaos Theory – Fractal geometry
    • The I-Ching
    • Divining tools/Clearing methods
    • Connecting to higher consciousness
    • The Language of the Universe
  • Second class

    • Working more with divining tools
    • Looking at the energy body
    • Sensing energy fields
    • Using intuitive empowerment tools
    • Developing more questions
    • Discussion of consciousness
    • Understanding more about life patterns
    • Tuning, tuning, tuning
  • Third class

    • Using intuition in life
    • Developing clairvoyance
    • Helping others
    • Tuning, tuning, tuning
  • Fourth class

    • Using intuitive development enhancers
    • Testing one’s intuition
    • Finding more questions
    • Talking with the masters
  • Fifth Class

    • This will be the opportunity to fine tune the skills and information from previous classes.

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