Join Peter’s Monday Night Tele/Web classes

New York Life Coach & Relationship Counselor

Register below for any of Peter’s weekly Monday tele/web classes. He’ll be sending a link to your email address within the hour before class begins.  Look below for the upcoming topics. If you sign up for emails, you’ll get the latest class news. These classes start at 7PM and are scheduled until 9PM although sometimes run over. They follow eastern time.

I usually expect that people are paying for the most current class but if not, please email me at to let me know which future class you’re covering. If you have any other questions please feel free to contact Peter.

Below are the latest classes for this Fall 2024

Monday, September 23rd - Ask for insights that you're looking for. Bring questions for Peter to consult with higher guidance.

Monday, September 16th - How free can you be? Let's examine the freedoms you're in this life to enjoy.

Monday, September 9th - Healing assessment and rebalancing - I'll be scanning your energy fields to find their imbalances and then applying healing energies to rebalance them

Monday, June 24th - Healing assessment and rebalancing - I'll be scanning your energy fields to find their imbalances and then applying healing energies to rebalance them

Monday, June 17th - Magically Align Your Summer Endeavors to Support Your Goals - Let's look at how to best move forth.

Monday, June 10th - What are others expecting of you? - What do you think is the reason for it? Let's figure this out.

Monday, June 3rd -  We'll look for even more of your past lives.- You have so many of them.

Monday, May 27th - Let's see what past lifetimes show up for you to know about - Some of our past lifetimes are super important for us in this lifetime.

Monday, May 20th - Healing assessment and rebalancing - Your energies will be scanned and addressed.

Monday, May 13th - Life is a numbers game and know which ones you're playing - We'll look at many different numbers about your life.

Monday, May 6th - How are you designed to avoid stuckness? - There are many ways of being stuck. We'll see how change works for you.

Monday, April 29th - You have even more siddhis to appreciate about yourself - We'll examine some more of them and maybe in relation to your Gene Keys

Monday, April 22nd - Let's look for your calming strengths and the tools to support them. This speaks for itself.

Monday, April 15th - What does your soul want from you? Let's ask and find out what answers there are.

Monday, April 8th - Mudras, mantras and forms - We'll find out which ones are for you.

Monday, April 1st - How many sidhhis do you have? There are many and you are working with a limited number. It's more about the quality of them than the quantity. Let's identify some of yours.

Monday, March 25th - Healing assessment and rebalancing - I'll be scanning your energy fields to find their imbalances and then applying healing energies to rebalance them.

Monday, March 11th - Let's delve into your Gene Keys - This is important information about the depth of your being.

Monday, March 4th - What purpose are you here to serve? Let's understand why you've come here.

Monday, February 26th - Who is the true you on the other side? - What have you learned about your higher self?

Monday, February 19th - What masks work for you? - Who is your not-self?

Monday, February 12th - What kind of abundance is still in store for you? - Let's look for clues to your future abundance.

Monday, February 5th - Let's examine your multidimensional template - We'll have a lot of fun discovering more about you.

Monday, January 29th - Let's examine your soul contracts - We've all come into life with a number of soul contracts, for the good or bad. Many have already passed through our lives and many are active now or still to come. Let's talk about them.

Monday, January 22nd - Refresher about your Human Design Let's not forget who you've chosen to become in this life.

Monday, January 15th - Healing assessment and rebalancing - Your energies will be scanned and addressed.

Monday, January 8th - Let's look at your New Year - We'll find the energies that are at play for you in this new year.

Monday, December 18th - From whom and from what dimensions are you getting help? - You might not realize where your help comes from.

Monday, December 11th - How do your feelings get challenged? - We'll look at the limits of your weaker side.

Monday, December 4th - Let's celebrate you! - We'll look at your personality gauges and see how strong they are.

Monday, November 27th - Let's challenge your consciousness - We'll see what your consciousness is capable of.

Monday, November 20th - Healing assessment and rebalancing - Your energies will be scanned and addressed.

Monday, November 13th - Let's see how you can become happier - We'll find the strength for and the blocks against your potential of happiness.

Monday, November 6th - How is your hero's journey going? Have you forgotten you're on one?

Monday, October 30th - Let's find your helpful power animals It's wonderful to have their support.

Monday, October 23rd - What kind of inventor are you? Let's look at your ability for invention. There's much to look at.

Monday, October 16th - What do you Gene Keys say about you? - They offer deep personality analyses.

Monday, October 9th - What are you personality challenges? - We'll look at the patterns of challenges you're to be presented with in this life.

Monday, October 2nd - What is your unique path to enlightenment? - There are so many cues to inform you that we'll be looking at.

Monday, September 25th - Let's explore some of your past lifetimes - I'll be identifying past lifetimes for each of you.

Monday, September 18th - What are your telepathic potentials? - We'll look at what your natural abilities can do for you.

Monday, September 11th - Healing assessment and rebalancing - I'll be scanning your energies to see what they need and apply some healing help

Below are the latest classes for this Spring 2023

Monday, June 19th - How opinionated are you really? Let's look at the ways you manage your opinions. What are they really based on? How important are they?

Monday, June 12th - Let's find more mantras, mudras, colors, tones, numbers, symbols and/or forms that benefit you This will add to your power tool chest for you to better self-heal and augment your life.

Monday, June 5th - What's driving your psyche? Let's explore the deep workings of your psyche.

Monday, May 29th - Let's look at the best healing tools that we know of - You can also present your own tools to share about in this class

Monday, May 22nd - What is your power source? - How and where can you draw on the best power to make progress?

Monday, May 15th - Let's look at some more planets in you Human Design - This will help you know yourself better.

Monday, Mary 8th - Why did your soul choose your particular birth cards? This is a deep inquiry into your soul's purpose

Monday, May 1st - How deep can you go? We're going to look at your ability to climb deep into your psyche.

Monday, April 24th - Healing assessment and rebalancing - Again, I'll be scanning your energies to see what they need and apply some help

I'll be away during the intervening 2 weeks so classes will resume on April 24th.

Monday, April 3rd - What cards are showing up in the hand of your current age? We'll see how these cards are influencing your life.

Monday, Mar 27th - What can you personally do to advance your own consciousness - It will be fascinating to find out the little tricks that can be taken to upgrade your consciousness.

Monday, Mar 20th - Let's look at the planets in your Human Design - You'll learn so much more about yourself and why you're so different than others.

Monday, Mar 13th - Which of your past lives will we hear about? We'll be receiving information about past lives of each student.

Monday, Mar 6th - What does your consciousness need for its future? What tools or knowledge are you still waiting for?

Monday, Feb. 27th - Healing assessment and rebalancing We'll look again at your energies and see what needs work.

Monday, Feb. 20th - What is your personal fear profile? Everyone lives with their own fears. How are yours programmed in you? How do you de-program?

Monday, Feb 13th - Are you suited for a quantum life? Are you already living one? We'll look at your quantum nature and see where it's been taking you.

Monday, Feb 6th - How perfect are you anyway? Maybe you're more perfect than you think.

Monday, Jan 30th - Let's dowse together - We'll all use dowsing tools and charts to answer your important questions

Monday, Jan 23rd - Which shadow animals do you need to transmute? Let's make friends with them and use their gifts.

Monday, Jan 16th - Healing assessment and rebalancing We'll look again at your energies and see what needs work.

Monday, Jan 9th - How will  the New Year be for you?  I'll be forecasting 2023 for each person in the class using higher consciousness and divining tools.

Below were the class from Fall 2022 and beyond

Monday, Dec 19th - What kind of help comes your way and from where? You're not alone and we'll see who has your back.

Monday, Dec 12th - What can we celebrate about you? Let's see what's in you for celebration. How often do you celebrate you?

Monday, Dec 5th - Healing assessment and rebalancing We'll look again at your energies and see what needs work.

Monday, Nov 28th - Let's find power numbers to work with - We'll be looking at the power in numbers and algorithms that can help you. Maybe some geometry too.

Monday, Nov 21st - What should you be doing? We'll inquire from higher consciousness about what to put on your life plate.

Monday, Nov 14th - How is your astral life going? Let's look at your secret life and see what you're doing with it.

Monday, Nov 7th - Who would you rather be? This will be a class to examine your not-self issues. Who shows up when you're in denial of yourself?

Monday, Oct 31st - How safe are you? We'll use divining tools and higher consciousness to find the answer for each of you.

Monday, Oct 24th - Healing assessment and rebalancing We'll look again at your energies and see what needs work.

Monday, Oct 17th - Let's find some unusual lifetimes you've had - We'll ask for higher guidance to show us previous lifetimes that might be very interesting.

Monday, Oct 10th - Who are you really? We're going to dive deep and look at your soul journey to see what it has to say about you.

Monday, Oct 3rd - What are your natural gifts? Everyone has many gifts so let's identify a bunch of them.

Monday, Sept 26th - Access your shadow power - This is a great opportunity to shed some shadows. Join us and clarify your genius

Monday, September 19th - Examining your relationships - Let's use divining tools and higher consciousness to take a deeper look into your relationships

Monday, September 12th - Healing Assessment and rebalancing - again, I'll be scanning your energies and applying solutions

Below are recent 2022 Spring classes

Monday, June 27th - Does self-mastery come easy to you? - What runs you? Do you?

Monday, June 20th - Let's look at more of your Gene Keys - This will be chance to see what the Gene Keys has to say about you. It goes deep

Monday, June 13th - What is your emotional bandwidth? Let's look at the different ways your unique emotional character reveals itself.

Monday, June 6th - Let's look at your Gene Keys - This will be chance to see what the Gene Keys has to say about you. It goes deep.

Monday, May 30th - Healing Assessment and rebalancing - again, I'll be scanning your energies and applying solutions

Monday, May 16th - How strong or helpful is your ego? What is it doing for you? Can our egos save us? How smart are they? Is yours doing a good job?

Monday May 9th - Let's find mantras, mudras, colors, tones, numbers, symbols and/or forms that benefit you. This will be a power tool chest for you to self-heal and augment your life.

Monday, May 2nd - Have you had or will you have interplanetary lives? For most of us, we haven't been here on Earth forever nor forever in the future. Why not? What could be better?

Monday, April 25th - Check out your Human Design against others - What are you missing or what are they missing? What do you have in your chart that all the others want?

Monday, April 18th - What does your life purpose look like nowadays? We'll look at the purpose(s) you've been born to and see what that means in today's reality.

Monday, April 11th - How are you designed for peace? We'll look for traits you were born with that can give you peace and I'll also ask for guidance from the Universe.

Monday, April 4th - Healing Assessment and rebalancing  We'll look again at your energies and see what needs work.

Monday, March 28th - How does your Human Design reflect your personal power? There's power in all of us when we know how to identify it.

Monday, March 21st - What are your disguises? How can you avoid being identified and targeted? What roles can you assume to distract people from the real you? Do you have any handy masks?

Monday, March 14th - How will your hand of cards help you manage a crazy 2022 and beyond?  We'll look at the assortment of cards in your hand from birth and see how they will lead you forward.

Monday, March 7th - Exploring your shadow world in today's world - We'll see how your shadows are showing up nowadays.

Monday, February 28th - Healing Assessment Again, I'll be scanning your energies for imbalances and then bringing them back to balance.

Monday, February 21st - What runs you? What managing system are you following? - Let's look at the underlying authority that moves you forward.

Monday, February 14th - What dimensions do you dwell in? - Are you purely 3rd dimensional? Where else can you go?

Monday, February 7th - Let's look at your language of love - I'll intuitively look at your childhood and more as well as how you're designed to love both yourself and others.

Monday, January 31st - What is your emotional identity? - We'll look into your emotional makeup and see how you can best manage your feelings.

Monday, January 24th - Healing assessment and rebalancing - I'll be scanning your energies and finding what work needs to be done for them. I'll then do healing and make suggestions.

Monday, January 17th - Let's combine Human Design with intuition - We haven't done this before and I'll be looking at your charts and asking for higher guidance to show us what needs the most attention.

Monday, January 10th - What strengths have you brought here from past lives? You've accumulated many skills and much wisdom from having lived many lives. We'll ask for higher guidance about what they are. Maybe you also have things to fix from back then. Perhaps you've even had lifetimes beyond the Earth and what might you have brought from there?

Monday, January 3rd - Let's do some forecasting - We'll use different divining tools to look at the year ahead for you.

Monday, December 27th - holiday recess

Monday, December 20th - Let's look at your greatest challenges - We'll show you some and you can ask about those you're concerned about. We'll find the answers to rise above them.

Monday, December 13th - Can you be or become a shaman? Is there a shaman in you? What are the elements you hold to embrace those powers?

Monday, December 6th - What shapes, forms, numbers, letters, tones, etc. are best for your welfare? - We'll see what your energy field most attunes to.

Monday, November 29th - Here are new cards for you to play - There are constantly new card energies opening up in your life. Let's see what they mean to you.

Monday, November 22nd - Can you become an avatar? - Let's look into the deep light that you carry and see what it reflects about you. We'll also consult Human Design and perhaps some Source Cards.

Monday, November 15th - Who do you have soul contracts with? Ask about people in your life and what the soul nature of the relationship is.

Monday, November 8th - Monday, November 8th - Discovering your pearl - This will be a look at your Gene Keys which shows the pearl in your life that gives you a greater purpose.

Monday, November 1st - Let's ask the I'Ching  (not Human Design) for answers about your life - We'll use the I'Ching as a divining tool to help you know better about what's going on. I'll help you understand its answers and provide intuitive insight about it.

Monday, October 25th - See how your Human Design compares to others - We'll look at the ways each of you are different and what's very special about you in that regard.

Monday, October 18th - Energy assessment and healing  I'll be scanning and rebalancing your energies.

Monday, October 11th - What are your survival skills? We'll look at how you're designed to survive. How is your survival serving you?

Monday, October 4th - Insights into your past lives  Where will this inquiry take us? Which lifetimes and events will we be guided to? Let's find out.

Monday, September 27th - How are you designed to love? Everyone is designed to love differently. It isn't an easy concept and takes work to fulfill it both personally and interpersonally. Let's see what your work is.

Monday, September 20th - Only your shadow knows - Your shadows are very smart as they challenge you to identify and defeat them. You're always doing your best and knowing more about them can help you do better.

Monday, September 13th - Healing assessment. I'll be scanning everyone's energy fields and rebalancing them.

Monday, June 28th - Healing assessment and rebalancing - I'll look at your energies to see where the imbalances are and help to realign them.

Monday, June 21st - What's your spiritual relationship with money? How are you framing money in your life? Is it working? Do you believe in your spiritual powers? Maybe we can do some re-framing. Let's find more magic for you.

Monday, June 14th - What's in the magical meaning of your relationships? - There's a reason we have important relationships. What can the Universe tells us about them? Are they soul contracts? What's the attraction?

Monday, June 7th - What authority is running your life? We're all answering to something or someone. We might believe we're in charge but what are the conditioning factors at play?

Monday, May 31st - What's your end game? Can it keep up with changing times?

Monday, May 24th - Let's look at more of your numbers - There are so many numbers that represent our life journey which we can understand better when we identify them.

Monday, May 17th - How can you best protect yourself? We all have vulnerabilities and need our unique defenses. What are yours? Let's seek answers.

Monday, May 10th - How balanced are you in your life? There are many aspects to our lives that need balance in order to succeed with our best efforts. We'll examine the different balances at play in our lives.

Monday, May 3rd - Healing assessment and energy rebalancing - Let's look again at your energies and see how they're doing. We'll use the chakras and the Tree of Life again as well as a scan of other energies at play within your system.

Monday, April 26th - Let's find more power animals to help us - We often forget our connection to nature and how we can best reflect it. What animals and what in nature can empower us?

Monday, April 19th - How can you best be true to yourself? - We're always pressured in life to compromise ourselves and don't always know we're doing it.

Monday, April 12th - Calling on many tools of divination, intuition, dowsing, the I'Ching, Destiny Cards and more to find answers you're looking for.

Monday, April 5th - Exploring Past Lifetimes - This is always a fascinating class where many interesting past lifetimes of participants are shown to us.

Monday, March 29th - More of your siddhis are calling - The last siddhi class was very exciting and we only looked at one aspect of them. In this class, we'll see which siddhi's are associated with other aspects of your life. This is not just for students who were at the first siddhi class.

Monday, March 22nd - Let's talk about healing tools - I'll present many healing tool opportunities and let's have students recommend the ones they like too.

Monday, March 15th - Identifying the genius behind your shadows - Our shadows can be very annoying but they bring out the genius within. We'll uncover your genius traits.

Monday, March 8th - What are you mostly prosperous about? You're here to have prosperity in your life and you might not have fully identified it. There are many ways that prosperity manifests itself.

Monday, March 1st - Healing assessment and rebalancing - Let's look again at your energies and see how they're doing. We'll use the chakras and the Tree of Life again as well as a scan of other energies at play within your system.

Monday, February 22nd - Let's find out about your Siddhis - These are higher personality traits that we're here to manifest. The information comes from Gene Keys and there are many important Siddhis that we are each manifesting. So let's do a better job with them.

Monday, February 15th - How lovable are you? and how does love become realized in your life? What are the different love languages you speak? How does it compare to others in your life?

Monday, February 8th - How will YOU find enlightenment? There are many paths to enlightenment and we'll ask for higher guidance as to how you can reach yours.

Monday, February 1st - What are the dominant numbers in your life? There are a bunch of numbers which run through different systems that reveal your journey and destiny. We'll look at each of your unique numbers.

Monday, January 25th - What answers do you need for your deep challenges? Bring an important challenge in your life to this class and we'll seek answers for you.

Monday, January 18th - Healing assessment and balancing of your energies - I'll be scanning your energy field and relay to you the information of imbalances I find. Then, I'll employ healing energies to bring you back into balance. 

Monday, January 11th - What have you brought here from past lives? You've accumulated many skills and much wisdom from having lived many lives. We'll ask for higher guidance about what they are. Maybe you also have things to fix from back then. Perhaps you've even had lifetimes beyond the Earth and what might you have brought from there?

Monday, January 4th - What does this new year look like for you? Again, as we did last year, we'll consult all our divining possibilities to foresee your future. At least we'll get a good hint at the energies at play for you.

Classes from last year:

Monday, December 21st - What is your mindfulness quotient? We're going to look at your awareness strengths and your presence abilities. What unique abilities does you mind have?

Monday, December 14th - How are you identified by others? What do people think of you? What do your radiate outwards?

Monday, December 7th - Where is your true home? We're only visiting this 3rd dimensional world to grow our souls in a more visceral environment. When we're not taking on these lifetimes, we have a home in other dimensions. We're going to get the data on that and see where you live when not here.

Monday, November 30th - Energy field assessment and rebalancing Again, I'll be scanning your energy fields to see what work needs to be done and then to do it. This time again, I'll also be looking at your Tree of Life energy sephirot.

Monday, November 23rd - What are your unique manifestation powers? What can you best produce and achieve in this life?

Monday, November 16th - How can you best experience your unique spirituality? We're going to look at the nature of your spiritual essence and how that can best manifest itself in this life.

Monday, November 9th - How is your essence reflected in your Human Design? We're going to look at each student's Human Design and read its essence.

Monday, November 2nd - What kind of loving person are you? Let's see how love plays out in your life.

Monday, October 26th - How best can you find peace? How are you built to live with peace in your life? What are the best strategies for you, individually?

Monday, October 19th - Scanning your energies to find imbalances and correcting them This is always a popular class when I scan each student and respond to their needs.

Monday, October 12th - Visiting with your shadows to become more familiar with them  Some of you have taken this class before and others will be new to it.  We'll look at the shadows that keep following you in your life and understand them better.

Monday, October 5th - Finding the correct tones, mantras, symbols, colors and forms for your particular needs  These new tools for your well-being can be put right to use.

Monday, Sept. 28th - Let's look at your past lives  This is always a favorite class and it's amazing the lifetimes that we're shown and what they mean in this lifetime. Join us for some real surprises.

Monday, Sept. 21st - What are your unique sources of power? We're going to seek answers from the higher dimensions to hear what they say about your personal powers. We'll also seek guidance from the I'Ching and the card deck.

Monday, Sept. 14th – Who’s talking to you? We're constantly receiving messages from our higher consciousness that guide us through our lives. They can come from many places. I'm going to ask the Universe to inform each of us who we're hearing from. Many of us have ancestors who are helping and of course there are spirit guides. We don't know what the Universe will be telling each student.

Monday, Sept. 7thHealing analysis and re-balancing  I'll be scanning each student's energy fields and describing what I find. Then I'll use healing empowerments to resolve the imbalances. I'll also recommend work that you can do on yourself.

These were classes held last Spring

Monday, May 18th - Our shadows never stop bothering us We're born to live with many shadows in our lives and they explain so much of our angst. We'll examine yours. Shadow classes are always finding new light to shine on them.

Monday, May 25th - What new purposes will you have moving forward? This is a time of great change. We'll be asked to employ new strategies to make the world work. What part will you play in it?

Monday, June 1st - Keys to Masterful Self-Healing  There are many ways you can heal yourself. We'll see which ways you're best at.

Monday, June 8th - Insights into the Human Design System  We'll be examining what Human Design can tell us about ourselves. The information is practically endless. What's unusual is to see the design of other students to compare against your own. It's great to know more about who you are, but it can be even more helpful to know who you are not.

Monday, June 15th - Let's look into the far future to see where your soul is headed  We're going to seek answers from the higher dimensions to see what they say about your soul's progress in the distant future. Where exactly that will be we don't know until they speak. We'll also seek guidance from the I'Ching and the card deck.

Monday, June 29th - How is judgement playing in your life? We all need discernment but can we overdo it and how are you about the judgement of others? What about judgement runs your life?

Monday, July 6th - Guided discussion about how we're all managing fear What strategies are you using that you can share with the group?

Monday, July 13th - Guided discussion about what we're thinking and feeling during this unbelievable time What would you like to share with the group?


There’s a lot you’ve already mastered in life and most likely you haven’t put it all together yet to think of yourself as a true master. Mastery is a process rather than an end product and the idea is to believe in yourself. We don’t always give ourselves enough credit for what we’re good at and we most likely emphasize our weaknesses.

This ongoing Monday program is to help you know yourself better and discover the full master you’re here to be. It doesn’t mean you’re to be the master of all as no one can be. The idea is to know the whole story about yourself so you can distinguish how wonderful you truly are.

The classes will focus on different aspects of both self-mastery and life mastery and will often utilize a combination of my intuition, Human Design, numerology and Destiny Cards. Other divining tools may come into play depending on the topic.

Realizing the master you really are is self-realization and that includes how your mastery is revealed in the way life unfolds. In many ways, your mastery is to be challenged and that might discourage or sidetrack you and you could temporarily lose your way. So many times, you will disown your special powers as life kicks them around and your belief can falter.

See if you can fit in to any of the following mastery opportunities. You might even give yourself a score for each to see how you’re doing.

Self-discipline, expertise, competence, creativity, acceptance (self & life), experience, attitude, strength, ambition, vitality, purpose, social grace, presence, discretion, leadership, insight, spirituality, understanding, versatility, integrity, receptivity, perseverance, resourcefulness, balance, realistic, imaginative, determination, patience.

According to the theme of each class, I’ll be examining the patterning of your life that is revealed and looking at your soul purpose, unconscious limitations and conditioning. In most classes, I’ll be offering whatever tools and processes are revealed for you to be supported by. Our souls are striving for fullness and happiness in the face of our limited minds and egos. When we can recognize our true soul identity and give it the freedom to help manage our challenges and be in touch with its higher needs, we can reach the mastery we are seeking.

I’ll be posting more classes shortly. See the schedule below. Once you’ve registered, you’ll be sent an email with the information to call in and with a link to see the class on the web. These classes both for telephone and/or web and for those of you with computers or smart phones or pads, you can go to the web link and you’ll have the class on your screen and be able to see me. If you have a webcam built in, you’ll be given a link to open it and then I can see you as well.

New York Relationship Counselor

The schedule below starts with classes from latest scheduling so you can see the diversity of our offerings. Scroll down to the bottom to see classes till 2017.

  • Monday, March 30th – What energies can you draw on for healing and strengthening yourself?
  • Monday, March 23rd – How are you designed to manage quarantine?
  • Monday, March 16th – Who are you spiritually connected to?
  • Monday, March 9th – Do you know how to get out of the woods?
  • Monday, March 2nd – What are your paths to abundance?
  • Monday, February 24th – So what are you worried about?
  • Monday, February 17th – What masks are you using?
  • Monday, February 10th – Analysis and re-balancing of your energy systems
  • Monday, February 3rd – What are your biggest challenges?
  • Monday, January 27th, What are the informational energies you’re attracting?
  • Monday, January 20th – What is your astral reality?
  • Monday, January 13th – In-person healing class.
  • Monday, January 6th – What are your gifts from past lives?
  • Monday, December 30th – Preparing for 2020.
  • December 23rd – Can your ego help you now?
  • December 16th – How high can you go?
  • December 9th – Identify and transform your shadows
  • December 2nd – Identifying your soul contracts with others
  • November 25th – Analysis and re-balancing of your energy systems
  • November 18th – Analysis of your Human Design
  • November 11th – Identifying past lives
  • November 4th – Are you more heady or hearty?
  • October 28th – In-person healing class
  • October 7th – Learn about your power animals
  • September 30th – What does your soul want from you?
  • September 23rd – The manifestation of love
  • September 16th – Do you worry too much?
  • June 17th – Enhancing your multi-dimensionality
  • June 10th – Examining your spiritual light
  • June 3rd – How are you designed for success?
  • May 20th – What soul contracts are you dealing with and with who?
  • May 13th – How superficial can you be?
  • May 6th – What are your biggest challenges?
  • April 15th – How do you shine in relationships (or not)?
  • Tuesday, April 9th – in-person healing class.
  • April 1st – OMG, you’re a genius!
  • February 11th – What do we attract?
  • February 4th – Energy empowerments
  • January 28th – Where do you need the most work?
  • January 21st – So what’s to like about you?
  • January 14th, 2019 – Who are you on the other side?
  • December 17th – Healing and empowerments
  • December 10th – Who are you as a multi-dimensional being?
  • December 3rd – How are you seen and understood?
  • November 26th – Tools to understand and process your fears
  • November 19th – The manifestation of love
  • November 12th – Learn more about Human Design
  • November 5th or 6th in-person healing class
  • October 29th – Past life class
  • October 22nd – What does your soul want from you?
  • October 15th – Identify your true soul mates and why they are that
  • October 8th – Learn about your power animals
  • October 1st – How well are you judging yourself?
  • September 24th – Are you color balanced?
  • September 10th – Taking stock
  • June 18 – Working with Sacred Geometry and color for empowerment and healing
  • Tuesday night June 12-Using divining tools
  • June 4 – The wounded healer
  • May 21 – How ancient are you?
  • May 14 – So who are your soul mates?
  • May 7 – Human Design insights
  • April 30 – What’s your badge of courage?
  • April 16 – Healing analysis and empowerments
  • April 9 – Identify and transform your shadows
  • April 2 – How do you shine in relationships (or not!)
  • March 26 – OMG, you’re a genius
  • March 19 – Who are you here for?
  • Tuesday March 13-A focus on different spiritual topics including how you’re supported in the Universe
  • March 5 – Do you worry too much or maybe too little?
  • February 26 – Healing analysis and empowerments
  • February 19 – What is your saving grace?
  • Feb 12 – How is your ego taking care of you?
  • Feb 5 – What masks are you using?
  • Jan 29 – What is your hero’s journey?
  • Jan 22 – What gifts are you carrying from your past lives?
  • Jan 15 – Reading your chakras and Tree of Life
  • Jan 8, 2018 – Preparing for 2018
  • Dec 18 – Paths to abundance
  • Dec 11 – Do you have “other” dimensional relationships?
  • Dec 4 – What are your spiritual strengths?
  • Nov 27 – Identify and transform your shadows
  • Nov 13 – What are your soul’s expectations for you?
  • Nov 6 – How do you shine in relationships (or not!)
  • Oct 30 – Learn about your power animals
  • Oct 16 – What can your Human Design tell you?
  • Oct 9 – What is your purpose in this life?
  • Oct 2– Healing analysis and empowerments
  • Sept 25 – Identifying past lives
  • Sept 18 – Do you worry too much?
  • Sept 11, 2017 – What are your multi-dimensional abilities?

Let’s look at all the tools and techniques that you can use to manage the difficult energies we’re in.

We’ll look at your personal energy patterns to see how you can be at your best.

We all have important relationships on this plane and others. They are our Universal community. Who are members of yours?

What are your survival skills? Are you a ninja? Maybe a pathfinder? Let’s find out.

We all want abundant lives and likely have a lot of it but we’re all seeking more of something. How do we get more? The Law of Attraction is very fickle so there must be a better way. Let’s look at your particular paths that can make it work.

We’re going to look at your worries to see why they’re there and what to do about them.

Who are you really? Who do others need you to be? Who do you want us to believe you are? Maybe we’re all really fooling ourselves. Let’s find out how we’re playing this game.

I’ll be scanning your energies to find imbalances and both apply healing and re-balancing as well as make suggestions for you to work on.

This class can work 2 ways. We can look at your design to see what it says and also hear what the Universe tells us. Then you can ask questions about what you think your biggest challenges are and we’ll consult the Universe about that.

Who are those who attract you the most? Why? Who don’t attract you? Why? We’ll find out in this class.

Do you have an astral life? If so, how do you use it? If you don’t think so, what are you doing with this ability we all have? Let’s answer these in this class.

We have a wonderful Upper West Side location for this class and I’ll be able to work with each of you to facilitate what healing you need.

You’ve accumulated many skills and much wisdom from having lived many lives. We’ll ask for higher guidance about what they are. Perhaps you’ve even had lifetimes beyond the Earth and what might you have brought from there?

What do you need to know about this coming year. Let’s hear from the Universe and also use some divining instruments to see what’s ahead.

Let’s find out how your particular ego is built and what it thinks it’s doing for you. Everyone has a different level and sense of power in their ego. Can yours really help you or does it get in your way?

Let’s look at your spiritual upside and how much you can make of it. What kind of traveling is your spirit here for in this lifetime? What heights can it take you to? Let’s find out.

This is very important work. Your shadows are always at play both from within you and addressed by the people you interact with. Unconsciously, they are reading them and pushing your shadow buttons. There are always more shadows we can uncover and become more whole in spite of them.

Ask about people in your life and we’ll get responses from higher consciousness as to their soul purposes in your life.

I’ll be scanning your energies to find imbalances and both apply healing and re-balancing as well as make suggestions for you to work on.

We’re going to look at some of the deeper understands of the System and how your own chart expresses you.

This is always an amazing class as I look into your past lives and see where you’ve been and what went on. There are always fascinating lifetimes we discover.

Even though you have both going for you, let’s see which carries more weight in your life and which strengths you can use best to make progress.

We’re going to gather at an Upper West Side location and work with intuitive healing for each student. Class size will be limited to be able to get enough done.

We have a few major power animals that we need and there are always different ones that we call on for new purposes. We’ll identify all of them and help you find more power.

We’ll be asking your soul (and higher self) to communicate some of its purposes and what it wants you to fulfill. We’ll see how these align with your design and destiny cards.

What is your heart saying and what does it need? What is your love language? How does love play out in your life? There are so many love keys to identify for you.

Let’s look at how much we worry and what it means for our lives. Some of us are big worriers and others are much more complacent. It’s probably no surprise to you where you fit into this picture. We’re going to look at how you’re designed to function according to the Human Design System and we’re going to get some intuitive input from higher consciousness.

in-person class at a special new location on the Upper West Side-We’ll be working with the energies of each student to find the best tools, techniques and other guidance to enhance their spiritual and human purposes.

Let’s look at the deeper nature of who you are and receive some messages about your soul light.

Even very successful people aren’t sure their success is genuine or the right kind. How are you judging your success and what more can you do to have a successful life? Let’s find out.

We’ll inquire in the Universe about the contracts you’ve been to try to fulfill in this life. Who are these contracts with and what do they mean for you?

We’re not taught that it’s okay to be superficial but life needs a lot of artfulness and some people are better at it than others. Let’s look at your emotional range and your ability to behave superficially.

This class can work 2 ways. We can look at your design and see what it says and also what the Universe says. Then you can ask questions about what you think your biggest challenges are and we’ll consult the Universe about that.

Let’s look at how you’re designed to relate to others What are the traits you’ve been born with and how has life influenced you to relate to others? How do others relate to you? Let’s find out

This will be an opportunity to work with each student to demonstrate diagnosis and technique to heal your energies. This was one of the main activities of Heart River in the old days. This class will be at La Casa Spa & Wellness Center at 41 East 20th St. You need to pre-register.

You know, you really are a genius and this class will help you identify what is the real genius in you. I’ll be asking higher consciousness about you and also using eh Human Design System and the Destiny Cards. We’ll find out how terrific you are.

Let’s look at your energy patterns that show what your attraction is. This is both for the good and the bad. It’s very helpful to see what we attract so we can use it to improve our lives.

We’ll look at what your energy field and body need to enhance your energies on all levels. Each student will have different alignments and needed tools to create more power in your life. We’ll find them and work with them.

What? You say you don’t need any? haha. We’ll look at strengths you need to work on. We all have them.

I’ll bet there’s a lot and we’ll find out in this class. We’ll see what the Universe has to say and also see the patterns you’re living with that others might be pleased with. This includes Human Design and the Destiny Cards.

We’ll be inquiring in the Universe about your soul nature outside of this lifetime. Who are you on the other side and who do you hang out with there?

I’ll be scanning your energies and seeing what’s not in balance. I’ll also do some healing and provide strategies for you to be back in balance.

This class is for humans so no ET’s are allowed. Maybe you are an ET and just don’t know it. Let’s see what your multi-dimensional reality is and what your soul has been up to on other levels.

Let’s find out what people see in you in different aspects of your life. How are you recognized (or not)?

In this class, we’ll see your energy vulnerabilities and how they manifest in worry. We’re all designed to have worries but in different ways. We’ll also look at which tools work best for you to find peace.

What is your heart saying and what does it need? What is your love language? How does love play out in your life? There are so many love keys to identify for you.

his class will look at the charts of each student on the zoom web screen and I’ll talk about how the system works in more subtle ways. I’ll bring some of the Gene Keys into it.

I’m not sure which night we can have access to La Casa for this class. It’ll be an opportunity to work with each student to demonstrate diagnosis and technique to heal your energies. This was one of the main activities of Heart River in the old days.

This has always been a fascinating class as we receive information about your past lives. These classes are always very revealing about what’s happening in this life and how your history can explain why. This gives so many students perspective about the present.

We’ll be asking your soul (and higher self) to communicate some its purposes that it wants you to fulfill. I’m sure there’s a lot more we’re here for that hasn’t been addressed yet. We can also see how the answers align with your design and cards.

We all have more than one soul mate in life and of course one or some are more important than others. I’ll inquire in the Universe about who’s who and ask for stories that explain them. I’m sure there’ll be some enlightening answers.

We each have strengths and weaknesses and can better ourselves by finding new strengths from the world around us. I’ll help you discover your power animals that you can attune to to help maximize your life. Even if you’ve taken this class before, there are always more animals whose strengths you can draw from.

So what do you think of you? How are you shaping up? Let’s look at the way you are designed to feel self-empowered or not. Everyone is insecure in some way (but hee hee, maybe you’re not). We can use intuition, Human Design and the Destiny Cards to tap into your psyche and see what’s at play.

We need to live in the full hue of the spectrum to feel whole. We’ll measure our color balance in a number of ways and see what each of you is needing. It’s unusual to be fully color balanced so this will be an important class to become more HUEMAN. We’ll also look at how the different colors have been affecting your life.

We’re going to look at the energies of everyone in the class and see what we can do for you. This is a time of great change and the dynamics of the time need us to stay balanced and strong. Let’s work for that. I’ll be using my higher consciousness to tune into your field and also receive information on what’s best for you. Have some questions ready to ask about your concerns and we’ll find the best answers for you.

We’re going to dive into your field and see what geometries and colors will help you for many different purposes including healing and life empowerment. Maybe even relationships. These add to our light and wholeness.

in-person class at La Casa Spa and Wellness Center– We’re going to play with different intuitive tools to talk with the Universe. There are so many tools to use. We’ll start with pendulums and divining rods. We can use coins with the I’Ching and maybe pull some playing cards. These all only work if you have questions so bring them along.

What wounds are you healing from past lives? What Chiron traits are you living with that show what you’re overcoming from the past?

Maybe you belong in a museum. If so, which one? Let’s travel into the deep past and see what long history your soul may have. I’ll bet some of you have lived in some strange places.

We all have them and it might even surprise us who they are. We have soul agreements with many people who have impacted and/or are impacting our lives for the good or the bad. Let’s identify them. Bring some suggestions and we’ll let those names fly in the Universe to get some answers.

Do you know everything about the Human Design System? How about knowing more? Let’s look at the deeper elements of the system. Even beginners will get a lot out of this class.

How do you stand up for yourself? What do you draw on to conquer life? We’re going to look at how you make it through your struggles.

I’ll be analyzing your energies to see where the imbalances are and provide specific healing to re-balance them. The whole class will benefit from the healings that each person gets. April 30 – What’s your badge of courage?

This is very important work. Your shadows are always at play both from within you and the people you interact with. Unconsciously, they are reading them and pushing your shadow buttons. It’s best to know your shadows and become more powerful in the face of them. I’ll uncover your shadows in a number of ways and help you transform them.

Let’s look at how you’re designed to relate to others. What are the traits you’ve been born with and how has life influenced you to relate to others? How do others relate to you? Do you have hidden shadows about relationships? Let’s find out by using the Human Design System, Destiny Cards and my intuitive deep dive.

You know, you really are a genius and this class will help you identify what is the real genius in you. I’ll be using asking higher consciousness and also using the Human Design System and the Destiny Cards. We’ll find out about you.

What mentality do you hold about your life? Who are you supposed to be in this larger world and what can you relate to? We certainly need to take care of ourselves. We all have different purposes of caring in our environment. Let’s look at that.

in-person class-Who are your helpers and what do they do for you? Bring your spiritual questions to the class.

Some of us worry more than others. They might think we waste a lot of time. Who’s safer? How are you designed to manage information? How important is all the information? Maybe we just have to be true to ourselves. Let’s find out more about our truth.

I’ll analyze your energy field and find any imbalances in your chakras, auric field and physiology. I’ll then apply healing energies to re-balance them and advise you how to follow up.

Let’s look at the part of you that comes to your rescue and moves you beyond your shadows and might even put your ego at ease. How are you designed to win in life?

We rely on our egos to take care of us but is it doing the right job? Maybe it has a script of its own. Let’s find out what it wants and why. We certainly want it to be in alignment with our soul.

Who are you really? Who do others need you to be? Who do you want us to believe you are? Maybe we’re all really fooling ourselves. Let’s find out how we’re playing this game.

Are you not a hero? Of course you are. What are you a hero about? Certainly it’s to fulfill your life mission regardless of interference. What are you overcoming and for what reason? Let’s look at that.

You’ve come from many lifetimes and certainly they’ve achieved a lot for your soul growth. You bring that achievement with you so let’s see how it’s now helping you.

I’ll be scanning your energy fields to see what these energies have to say about you and the patterns you’re working through. Believe it or not, the Tree of Life shows up in your energy field and can be interpreted.

Let’s hear what higher consciousness has to say about you and this new year. We’ll get some insights about your journey. I’ll also draw from some divination tools.

There’s so much abundance in this world and so much lack of it too. You might have more than most and feel poor or have less and feel rich. What are you here to attract? Let’s look at that and utilize techniques to attract more of what you want.

In spirit, it’s not just us alone. Of course most of know we have spirit guides and it’s good to know more about them. We also have other soul relationships on other planes. I’ll tap in and see who’s out there for you. There are unique spirits as well as soul groups. Let’s find out more about you in other dimensions.

We are all unique sparks in the Universe and express our spiritual quality of it in different ways. Our spiritual understandings and expressions operate in their own ways and the more we can recognize our spiritual identity, the better we can maximize it in this life. I’ll use a number of windows to see your unique spiritual nature including a rarely used, esoteric version of Human Design.

This is very important work. Your shadows are always at play both from within you and the people you interact with. Unconsciously, they are reading them and pushing your shadow buttons. It’s best to know your shadows and become more powerful in the face of them. I’ll uncover your shadows in a number of ways and help you transform them

We’re in hard times to really know our way yet it was already written down when we entered this life. Your soul chose its purposes and understood what you’d be facing. None of this is a surprise to your soul. So let’s ask it what you can do better for it. We can also use Human Design, the Destiny Cards and numerology to see what windows we can see through to your journey.

another in-person class at La Casa on E 20th St. Let’s look at how you’re designed to relate to others. What are the traits you’ve been born with and how has life influenced you to relate to others? How do others relate to you? Do you have hidden shadows about relationships? Let’s find out by using the Human Design System, Destiny Cards and my intuitive deep dive.

We each have strengths and weaknesses and can better ourselves by finding new strengths from the world around us. I’ll help you discover your power animals that you can attune to to help maximize your life. Even if you’ve taken this class before, there are always more animals whose strengths you can draw from.

In this class, I’ll be using your birth data and put your personal chart on the web screen along with the other students. I’ll be teaching about Human Design and you can understand it while seeing your own chart.

Let’s find out why you’ve come here. I’ll use many tools including intuition to tell you your grand design to be alive now.

In person at La Casa Day Spa in Manhattan – I will analyze your energies and see where the imbalances are in your chakras, auric field and physiology. I’ll apply healing energies to re-balance them and advise you how to follow up. There will also be class wide empowerments.

Students have loved these past life time classes as I’ve tapped into their soul histories. It’s not just about the entertainment value. I’ll find lifetimes that have important meaning in today’s trials. Knowing your past is about knowing yourselves better. Join this fascinating class that will offer intriguingly valuable insights.

So many people are afraid to worry as if that creates negative results. It’s really a matter of how much and about what. We’ll find out how you’re designed to worry and what you can do about it. Let’s all manage our worries better. There are many tools.

I’m very curious about who will join this class and what we’ll find out about them.